Yummy Banana Bread Pudding

“Banana Bread” Bread Pudding

Well it’s time to get back on track with some cooking which I like to do and it grounds me, whether it is meatavor or my fav salad, I am getting into it and finally welcoming the New Year! 

I posted earlier about a banana loaf on Facebook, well it was dry but still so so, we ate some of it.

I have made Banana Bread before where it was super moist.  This last time I tried a new recipe, it was dry, more healthy, less oil, too much flour, so after all my slaving 🙁  it was time for some serious fixing and no wasting or throwing away this bread (which is what I was taught since a wee girl from my Daddy, so many people have no food and this continually resonates with me which means I have a difficult time throwing food away)!

So I decided to try a bread pudding using the dried up fart banana cake!  And it wasn’t too bad. So here is the recipe if you care to check it out.  When piping hot, it is yummy. To reheat, I use light cream and some syrup.  Not too sweet, I figure I’m getting some bananas, some eggs and that’s a start to my New Years.  Heck, I could have made a sticky yummy French caramel sauce but I didn’t! 

Is that good or bad, we shall see!  Happy New Year, I’m planning on it being an awesome year! 



  • 4 cups stale (dry) banana bread
  • 2 cups milk
  • ½ cups brown sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • Raisins (optional, I did not use in this recipe)
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon (also did not use because my bread had spices already)
  • 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract (if none on hand, use the artificial).
  • Coarse sugar for topping (I used a bit of brown sugar)


Preheat your oven to 350 F. (180 C)

 Cube your bread. (if using raisins, mix with bread in a bowl)

 In a bowl, whisk together the milk, eggs, the sugar, spices and vanilla.  Add your bread cubes to the wet mixture.  Mix well and let soak for 15 minutes.

 Pour in lightly greased ovenproof dish (9 inch).  Sprinkle with some coarse sugar or brown sugar.

 Bake until eggs are set, the pudding firms up and the top is golden.  About 45 min to 1 hour.

Topping Options:

  • Vanilla ice cream
  • Rum sauce (recipe below)
  • Maple Syrup
  • Corn Syrup
  • Whipping cream or clotted cream

Butter Rum Sauce:

  • 1/2  stick butter
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup whipping cream (or Carnation milk)
  • 2 tablespoon Kracken Rum
Melt slowly, boil for a minute or so, add rum.
Serve on your favourite cake and enjoy!

Tinsel & Treats Networking Affair










Tinsel & Treats Networking Affair Nurse Chevrolet CadillacWell it’s been a whirl wind this past  few weeks and it is only two weeks ago, that we hosted our Tinsel & Treats event.  (where did the time go?)      It was an exciting week and it took a few extra hands to make things happen on time, especially when we pulled it off so quickly.  In the end it all worked out thanks to all the help we had.


Our event venue took place at Nurse Chevrolet Cadillac, a beautiful car dealership here in Whitby.  Our focus was to provide more exposure on the promotional services of DURHAMbiz, while providing an opportunity for local business associates to network and to also raise some funds for the Alzheimer Association.  We raised just over $500.00 thanks to the support of guests and client donations towards several raffle draws.


I have to say, I love that car dealership, (especially the red Corvette), however, I also thoroughly enjoyed meeting guests and sharing some varied apps and food I created for this pretty venue.  I am very grateful to Mary Nurse for sharing her facility and allowing us to host our venue there and for her generous donation of 3 great door prizes and assistance with the gift bags.  A big thank you also goes out to Dave Hooper, one of our awesome suppliers.  He was showcasing special food gifts (gourmet nuts, chocolates and more!)  Dave also represents gift ware for any occasion, from small gadgets, to high end corporate gifts and special staff appreciation items.  If you are needing anything, you can contact us or him directly and just mention DURHAMbiz.


Because of the crazy last few weeks, cleaning up, organizing and other tasks, I am late in posting our food pics.  We had too much food of course.  It was not long, however, before we all dug into the yummy grub at the office and shared left over appetizers and more with others nearby.


Okay, what day is it already? Oh gosh, here we are Nov 26 and I guess we have to start thinking about the holiday season, food, decorating and more! I guess I’m a little late. J Many started early November.  Like many other folks,  this time of year can feel more stressful because we expect too much, so I’m going to try and take it one day at a time.  I might even do something very different for Christmas or Boxing Day. We shall see what crazy ideas I can discover to make a gathering of friends fun and carefree.


The main focus is to  ‘MAKE THE TIME’ to spend it with family, friends and loved ones.  (Oh and some good wine of course for the host). J  Wine helps in the celebration or creativity while cooking.


Wishing everyone a wonderful December and celebration of life and all that is dear to us at Christmas time.


All the best,


Nicole Mooney
Creative Director
DURHAMbiz Marketing & Promotions












Sausage and Tomato Pie

See the Recipe Tab for full recipe