Well it was Pesto Mania over the past few weeks and it continues. I tried to salvage the basil plants from Sobeys. (see pathetic pics below, that is one of the pots) 🙂 ( I bought over 15 or so plants to make all this yummy pesto and feature some of the food on […]
Archive for the ‘Featured’ Category
Pesto Passion – Enjoying Pesto Many Ways – Week I
April 26th, 2014 admin
I first discovered Pesto while dining in Toronto. Since I love pasta so much, the pasta dish with pesto sauce was a winner for me. Since then, I long for summer so that I can enjoy the wonderful aroma of basil on my deck and to end off the summer season, it’s pesto time. Pesto […]
Chick Pea Party & Rice – Serving Chick Peas 2 Ways
April 10th, 2014 admin
(Featured on Rogers Daytime, March 4th, 2014) http://rogerstv.com/page.aspx?lid=237&rid=2&gid=203541 If you love chickpeas, these 2 recipes will be a great way to enjoy them while saving time. Staples in my kitchen always include chickpeas, feta cheese, rice, pasta and some chicken or vegetable bouillon. If you have some leftover veggies in your bottom fridge drawer, by […]